
Studying at the nano-micro scale is crucial because it allows us to understand and utilize the unique physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of materials that emerge at these tiny dimensions, leading to the development of new materials, structures, and applications toward better-performing and more sustainable infrastructure systems. Essentially, manipulating matter at this scale opens up new possibilities for innovation by harnessing the special characteristics that arise at the nano-micro level. Our Nano-Micro Characterization lab provides key capabilities to develop/design innovative materials and to engineer/advance existing materials for various infrastructure systems.
- Identify nanomechanical properties and geometric characteristics of phases and interfaces of salt rock samples for advancing hydrogen storage in salt rock caverns.
- Investigate nano-micro scale reaction products from chemical hydration and/or geopolymerization of soils.
- Surface energy measurements of additives and powders for advanced manufacturing of engineered construction materials.
- 3D microstructure characterization of materials and mixtures subjected to loads and/or environmental stresses.
- Chemical composition and bonding information of asphalt binders and cementitious materials.
- Hysitron TI Premier Nanoindentor
- It is a precision instrument used for measuring mechanical properties such as hardness, elastic modulus, and creep behavior at the nanometer scale by indenting a tip to a material tested.
- SKYSCAN 1275 3D X-Ray Microscopy (XRM)
- It is a non-destructive imaging technique that provides high-resolution three-dimensional images of internal structures and features within a sample.
- Dynamic Contact Angle Measuring Device and Force Tensiometer (DCAT 25)
- it is a multifunctional, all-round, weight-based measuring device that allows to investigate numerous surface and interfacial properties of various materials, organic and inorganic, solids and liquids. Key material properties that DCAT 25 can measure include dynamic contact angle, surface energy of solids, surface tension of liquids.
- Bruker Tensor 27 & Thero Scientific iS10 Fourier-Transform Infrared (FT-IR)
- The machine analyzes and identifies materials by measuring their absorption of infrared (IR) light, offering valuable insights into a sample's molecular composition and structure.
Lab Supervisors:

Dr. Yong-Rak Kim
Professor, Zachry Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
[email protected]
Affiliated Researchers/
- Anand Pappala
- Jianxin (Jason) Huang
- Victor Liu
- Santosh Kommidi