As a hub of innovation and research, the CIR collaborates with several University Transportation Centers (UTCs), either leading or affiliating with them.
These UTCs focus on critical infrastructure and transportation topics, making significant strides in resilience, sustainability, and safety.
Lead InstitutionUniversity of Tennessee Knoxville
PartnersCalifornia State University Long Beach, North Carolina AT&T State University, Oregon State University, TEES, and University of Illinois at Chicago
Research PriorityImproving the Mobility of People and Goods
Yunlong Zhang
Affiliated Co-PIBruce Wang (TEES)
Lead InstitutionTexas State University
PartnersOregon State University, TEES, University of Miami and University of Puerto Rico
Research PriorityCoastal Research and Education
Anand Puppala (TEES)
Affiliated Co-PIsJens Figlus and Jim Kaihatu
In CIR News: New UTC on Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE) with TEES as a consortia member
Lead InstitutionFlorida International University
PartnersFlorida A&M University, TEES, University of Georgia, University of Nevada Reno, University of Oklahoma and University of Washington
Research PriorityImproving the Durability and Extending the Life of Transportation Infrastructure
Jeff Bullard (TEES)
In CIR News: CIR labs to be utilized for upcoming UTC research, Dr. Jeffrey Bullard named PI
Lead InstitutionPrairie View A&M University
PartnersArizona State University, Blinn College, Michigan State University, Rutgers University, TEES and TTI
Research PriorityImproving the Durability and Extending the Life of Transportation Infrastructure
Melissa Tooley (TTI)
Affiliated Co-PIsCharles Gurganus (TTI) and Anand Puppala (TEES)
In CIR News: Infrastructure Transformation & Transportation Resilience: TEES & TTI partnering with UTCs at CIR
Lead InstitutionUniversity of Oklahoma
PartnersEl Paso Community College, Louisiana State University, Louisiana Tech University, Navajo Technical University, Oklahoma State University, TEES, TTI, University of Arkansas, University of Texas at El Paso, University of New Mexico
Research PriorityImproving the Durability and Extending the Life of Transportation Infrastructure
Anand Puppala (TEES)
Affiliated Co-PIsMaria Koliou (TEES) and Kevin Womack (TTI)
In CIR News: Infrastructure Transformation & Transportation Resilience: TEES & TTI partnering with UTCs at CIR